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Focused on sustainability Focused on sustainability

The way we live places an unsustainable burden on the world, and we all need to take urgent action. Scott Bader is very clear about our role in making a positive difference:

Challenging but extremely necessary, we are making good progress towards our 2036 Vision, so much so that we have been awarded Gold rating by the Ecovadis scheme, a sustainable and recognized ratings platform for global supply chains.

We are proud of our latest progress made in 2022 compared to 2021:

How have we done this?

  • Changing our energy contracts to accommodate green energy at more sites – and there’s more to follow.
  • Switching our reliance on gas to electric.
  • Installing solar in more sites.
  • Using more energy efficient methods to manage systems such as steam.


Sustainability report

Click below to view our latest Sustainability Report


Sustainability at Scott Bader

