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Our 2036 vision

Rightly ambitious, absolutely possible

Scott Bader 2036 vision logo displayed on a white background.
We are acting now to make a better, more sustainable future, harnessing the power of chemistry as a force for good. By 2036 we will be a fully sustainable company which means we will have a net positive impact on the environment from all of our operations globally.

Our commitment to change and better ourselves for the good of the planet is underpinned by three key areas of focus, known as our business pillars:

Business Ecology Humanity

These three pillars feed into every aspect of Scott Bader worldwide and will help us to achieve our seven strategic goals:

Our progress and success are carefully measured and has led us to be awarded a Gold rating by the Ecovadis scheme, an online platform providing sustainability ratings for global supply chains, using international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000.

